#30 Mike Trout

Mike Trout
3X MVP, 8X All Star
.304 Lifetime Hitter, ROY

This was the hardest one to peg so far. His first 10 years indicate he'll be in the single digits by the time this is all done. Even if he course corrects and has a more human second half life a Pujols or Griffey, he's still an immortal. 

The baseball reference comparison tool is spotty sometimes but his most comperable players through his age are Mickey Mantle and Frank Robinson. He's 29 years old and already has accumulated 1380 hits and 302 home runs. He'sbeen the best player in the game more or less since he came up. He's the active leader in OPS and is 8th all time.

He's also an electricfying athlete, a true old school 5 tool guy. A throwback who can hit the ball out of the park and steal you base and play a pretty excellent center field.

Where will he end up? I'm not sure, but with what he's already I can't imagine him falling in stature, and he's already a legend, He's not even 30.

Anthony Leonelli is a 37 year old College Basketball Coach and amateur baseball arguer. If you wanna know how this list came together check here criteria. He thinks that George Brett winning batting titles in 3 decades is pretty awesome. 



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