#16 Roger Clemens


Roiger Clemens
7x Cy Young, 11x All Star, 2x WS Champion
7x ERA Champ, 5x K Champ,  354 Wins
We are in rarified territory here. Roger Clemens was a dominant pitching force in a dominant hitting era. By any measure he's one of the best of all time. 354 wins and 467
2 strikeouts. Pretty good. He third THIRD all time in WAR for pitchers if you like advanced metrics. Third all time in Ks, 9th all time in wins. 

He finished 118 games which made him one of the last of a dying breed. He started the 7th most games in MLB history with 707 starts. He struck out 20 in a game...twice. He came back from retirement wrestling style and swung pennant races. 

He left a few places with hard feelings, and there's that PED cloud, but I saw the man pitch, and to say there are too many better than him is just foolish. He belongs in the Hall and he belongs here. 
Anthony Leonelli is a 38 year old College Basketball Coach and amateur baseball arguer. If you wanna know how this list came together check here criteria. He thinks that George Brett winning batting titles in 3 decades is pretty awesome. 


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